Friday, October 30, 2009
Somebody Smack Me!
This one smacked me! I have been so convicted over the past few years and months.....this would be too much to post, but God has been challenging me to give more, to live a more radical life. I am convicted that if my life does not make unbelievers ask "why" then my service and lifestyle are far too similar to the unbeliever. Anyway, one of the books (in addition to God's Word) that the Holy Spirit has used in Crazy Love.
In response to an awesome, faithful, loving worship will be so intense that it may even be perceived as "crazy".
Friday, September 4, 2009
Flea Market Time....

Monday, August 31, 2009
Get This Book.....for free!

Saturday, April 11, 2009
The Sealed Tomb-Easter Ideas Part II
Craft palm branches, reenact the entrance to Jerusalem (Daddy's make great donkeys), or use the donkey from your nativity set
Monday-Cleaning the Temple
We read a cooresponding book (several times) and held and easter egg hunt with the resurrection eggs.
Work on Tomb-paper mache
Wednesday-Quiet time with Disciples
Special quiet times with each child, reflecting, talking and listening
Thursday-Passover, Jesus Washes Disciples Feet, Garden of Gethsemane, Judas Betrays Jesus
We're having supper on the floor (elbow on a pillow) with hand made bread, goblet style glasses of course, then a trip to our own Gethsemane Gardens (a trail near our house...actually named Gethsemane Gardens), and feet washing when we return
Friday-Trial and Crucifixion
Complete and Prepare our tombs (both girls are making their own)
Communion-at our church
Saturday-Jesus Body in the Grave
We gathered live Dogwood branches/flowers for a display (see the Dogwood story)
We'll make Easter cookies....
Sunday-Jesus Resurrection
Enjoy our Easter Cookies and Celebrate Jesus with our family at church and home
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
He is Risen, Like He Said
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Easter Cookies & Resurrection Eggs
Thursday, March 12, 2009
$3.00 Silk Drapes
I found the quilt man a few years ago at a Flea Market Extravaganza in Springfield Ohio. He sells the most beautiful quilts around, and he has discount bins as well. These discount bins, my friends, are where the treasures are. I dug through these bins to find several $3.00 duvets that were in a color I adored. They are a natural brownish copper or bronzed color and I had no particular plans for them at the time of the find. They are a fancy-silk (I had seen some in Pottery Barn for a small fortune). I later decided to turn the duvets into window treatments, and I did some minor re-working (I cut the duvet down the center and sewed a hem, then I attached the classic rings by clips and slid the on the curtain rod). A cream "Cinderella" bow makes them match my girls rooms. Once I discovered how much I loved them, I searched for the Quilt Man, and found that he also frequents the Hillsville Flea Market in North Carolina. Wouldn't you know...I found several more of these gorgeous duvets for $3.00 each. My whole house has beautiful drapes!
More Treasures...
Friday, March 6, 2009
Trash to Treasures
Monday, March 2, 2009
Snow Day

In addition to two amazing snowmen (Thanks Ter-Ter) and the fastest sled in town (Thanks Ryan), our family participated in the World Championship Pecan Cracking Contest. I was showing off some of my home making from this week.....shelling fresh pecans. I was excited to hear that my very own Grandfather had been a Pecan Cracking Expert. In fact, he and my Dad had Pecan Cracking Wars where a "Champion Pecan" would be forced upon another pecan until one of them cracked under the pressure. The remaining pecan would be the Champion and would remain thus until beaten by another pecan, who would then take the title of Champion (Yes, my Grandfather and Father crack pecans with their bare hands...). As of today, my Dad was the..."Pecan Cracking Champion of the World". What fun!
Our family has always taken pleasure in the simple things. We enjoy nature and worshipping God through all of his many gifts to us. It was so nice to laugh and talk (and shell pecans) with my family today. I am so thankful for the snow, for its beauty and for the simple gifts God has given us that make life rich and enjoyable.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Home "Making"
Home "Making"
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a
Friday, February 13, 2009
I hope you are having a wonderful Valentines Day. We have the day set aside for all kinds of Family Fun. Check out my favorite Valentine's Day story.
Fun News-The girls got THREE new rabbits this past week (male rabbits), and we already had two female ones. The rabbits run free in our fenced in back yard, so I absolutely love them. The one pictured above is "Puzzle Piece". On a sunny day, they will stretch out underneath the trees and lounge....
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Coupon Queen and her GIFT CARD
Not only were our candy bars free, they actually PAID my child to shop....Yes, after the cashier scanned the items and the coupons, she looked at the "Coupon Queen" and said...."this has never happened before, it appears we OWE YOU money". The manager was actually called over to complete the checkout...a giftcard to my Coupon Queen for the overage! She was quite proud of herself, and once we were in the car I commented on her being the "Coupon Queen" (she had worn that crown all day and it had nothing to do with shopping until now). She smiled and said..."but I'm not the real Coupon Queen" (I immediately began to swell with pride, knowing that she would probably hail me as the real coupon queen and I would graciously accept the honor!)...she proceeded...."Angela is the REAL coupon queen". UGH! Oh well, it's true. So, check out the real coupon queen, and tell her I sent you!
BTW-Here are some of the items we got FREE just this past week.... 6 Hershey bars, 2 Reece's bars, make-up, 4 tubes of toothpaste, bath soap for the girls, Frank's red hot buffalo sauce, Ken's Spritzers (spray salad dressing), and so much more for dirt cheap (the only way to shop).
For more information about how I shop, see this previous post.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Money Money Money (sing it please)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The "Cliff Notes"
I am not a grocery expert, but after attending a class and surfing the web, I was encouraged to get organized.
Be patient. You probably will not become an expert overnight, but it is worth the effort. It will be second nature (and the time will be insignificant) once you get into the swing of things. And, you'll save more and more once you get really good at it.
Use the expertise of others...Here are my favorites (I check them nightly).
Money Saving Mom
Coupon Mom
Money Saving Madness
The Money Herder
Balancing Beauty and Bedlam
The Grocery Game
Trust me, it is worth it....We could live off our pantry and freezer for months without visiting the grocery store (because we have stockpiled), AND we've cut our bill by about 70%.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Half Priced Living
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The Love Dare
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Discovering the Word

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Trash to Treasure

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Personalized Notebooks

Sunday, January 4, 2009
Now What?

Saturday, January 3, 2009
Homemade Christmas