Ok, so at first I am chuckling about this picture...but how are we "investing"? This week I was totally encouraged by a fellow homeschooler,
Leigh Bortin when I went to hear her speak. And while her words were encouraging and amazing, her actions spoke much louder. You see Leigh had personal money in a huge handful of evelopes. Each envelope had anywhere from $1-$50 in it. We earned these envelopes throughout the night, and at the end she asked us to "test" God. You see the Scriptures (in Malachi) encourage us to test God in area of giving (this should be above any tithe). It is
supposed to be an adventure! Let me tell you, Leigh is on a major adventure. She is traveling (12 cities in 14 days) around giving out these envelopes and challenging us to give them back to the Lord. What a cool adventure, and what a great example of trust in God. My envelope will be "given" on Sunday. Thanks
Leigh for letting us be a part of your adventure!