Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Love Dare

After viewing the movie Fireproof, our church is reading the Love Dare book together. It is intended to be read as a daily dare for you to complete and thus fireproof your marriage (they do not contend that this book will keep marriages from being faced with difficulty, they only suggest that the activities will leave you prepared, fireproofed, so that you will be able to withstand the fires). And it has certainly generated some fun conversations and some extremely rewarding advertentures with my husband. I am resolved to also "do" the Love Dare on my kids (after all it is a dare to love better, and I want to love my kids better too). I haven't completed the book, so there may be some days that need adjusting, but that should be fairly easy.
Come on, take the challenge. After all, it's a "dare".