Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Simplifying Christmas

Well, like so many of you, I too am attempting to simplify Christmas. We've scaled back the decorations and spent more time actually playing with our nativity scenes than before. We've used the Jesse Tree this year, and have loved it. Although, we are only doing a simplified version of that as well (making a different ornament every day seemed a little much for a three and five year old). We only buy three presents for each of the girls (gold, frankincense and myrrh) so the shopping is already easy.

But what is the real reason for simplifying? Do I need more time to rest (of course!), Do I want more family time? (doesn't everyone?), Do I want to invest in more meaningful family traditions? (sounds great!) What about taking care of those in need (that's Biblical!).....I am chosing to simplify so that I can spend more time worshipping my King this season. I believe that He wants us to worship, to spend time with Him, to adore Him and to make it a priority.