Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Friday, October 30, 2009
Somebody Smack Me!
It is not scientific doubt, not athiesm, not pantheism, not agnosticism, that in our day and in this land are likely to "quench the light of the Gospel". It is a proud, sensuous, selfish, luxurious, church-going, hollow-hearted prosperous man. (Crazy Love by: Francis Chan)
This one smacked me! I have been so convicted over the past few years and months.....this would be too much to post, but God has been challenging me to give more, to live a more radical life. I am convicted that if my life does not make unbelievers ask "why" then my service and lifestyle are far too similar to the unbeliever. Anyway, one of the books (in addition to God's Word) that the Holy Spirit has used in Crazy Love.
In response to an awesome, faithful, loving worship will be so intense that it may even be perceived as "crazy".
This one smacked me! I have been so convicted over the past few years and months.....this would be too much to post, but God has been challenging me to give more, to live a more radical life. I am convicted that if my life does not make unbelievers ask "why" then my service and lifestyle are far too similar to the unbeliever. Anyway, one of the books (in addition to God's Word) that the Holy Spirit has used in Crazy Love.
In response to an awesome, faithful, loving worship will be so intense that it may even be perceived as "crazy".
Friday, September 4, 2009
Flea Market Time....

If you have never experienced the Hillsville Flea Market, you are really missing out on some fun! There is the famous "quilt man" and his $3 salvage bins, clothing, antiques, fabrics, rugs, plants, every imaginable odd material and the best fried food you can find. It covers the whole city....check it out!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Get This Book.....for free!

AND, if you jump over to Money Saving will be able to get it for free! Make sure you watch the clip after you request your free book.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
The Sealed Tomb-Easter Ideas Part II
A whole Sunday paper, and a bottle of glue later, moss from our Garden of Gethsemane "walk" and some weeds (I mean flowers) from our yard and...voila. Here is our version of the tomb (sealed today because it is Saturday when I took this picture). There is even a little table for Jesus' body inside. There is a lot we would change if we did this again, but it was fun. The girls had a blast (glue and paint, hello!) and it raised a lot of great questions...conversations.
I added a few things to the ideas for the Passion Week. They are as follows:
Sunday-Jesus Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem
Craft palm branches, reenact the entrance to Jerusalem (Daddy's make great donkeys), or use the donkey from your nativity set
Craft palm branches, reenact the entrance to Jerusalem (Daddy's make great donkeys), or use the donkey from your nativity set
Monday-Cleaning the Temple
We read a cooresponding book (several times) and held and easter egg hunt with the resurrection eggs.
Work on Tomb-paper mache
Wednesday-Quiet time with Disciples
Special quiet times with each child, reflecting, talking and listening
Thursday-Passover, Jesus Washes Disciples Feet, Garden of Gethsemane, Judas Betrays Jesus
We're having supper on the floor (elbow on a pillow) with hand made bread, goblet style glasses of course, then a trip to our own Gethsemane Gardens (a trail near our house...actually named Gethsemane Gardens), and feet washing when we return
Friday-Trial and Crucifixion
Complete and Prepare our tombs (both girls are making their own)
Communion-at our church
Saturday-Jesus Body in the Grave
We gathered live Dogwood branches/flowers for a display (see the Dogwood story)
We'll make Easter cookies....
Sunday-Jesus Resurrection
Enjoy our Easter Cookies and Celebrate Jesus with our family at church and home
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
He is Risen, Like He Said
We just had to have an empty tomb in our house for we're making one. The above picture is the elaborate version my parents helped my sisters and I make when we were very young (wiring and paper mache). The below picture is the humble beginnings of my 5 year old. I'll have a final product to show you soon.
Here's a reminder of the events of Passion Week and some ideas that we have planned in our family....
Sunday-Jesus Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem
Craft palm branches, reenact the entrance to Jerusalem (Daddy's make great donkeys), or use the donkey from your nativity set
Monday-Cleaning the Temple
We read a cooresponding book (several times) and held and easter egg hunt with the resurrection eggs.
Work on Tomb-paper mache
Wednesday-Quiet time with Disciples
Special quiet times with each child, reflecting, talking and listening
Thursday-Passover, Jesus Washes Disciples Feet, Garden of Gethsemane, Judas Betrays Jesus
We're having supper on the floor (elbow on a pillow) with hand made bread, goblet style glasses of course, then a trip to our own Gethsemane Gardens (a trail near our house...actually named Gethsemane Gardens), and feet washing when we return
Friday-Trial and Crucifixion
Complete and Prepare our tombs (both girls are making their own)
Saturday-Jesus Body in the Grave
We'll make Easter cookies....
Sunday-Jesus Resurrection
Enjoy our Easter Cookies and Celebrate Jesus with our family at church and home
THE POINT....So, what is our response to this Easter Season? Are we like Martha (in John 12 Martha was busy serving Jesus and the disciples a meal), working and spending time on good things? Or are we like Mary (in John 12 Mary is at Jesus feet, adoring Him and worshipping Him). I want that attitude of abandonment to this world, and I want to be so drawn to my Messiah that any other responsibility holds its place in the background.
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